Outside the City
Day three
Day three began with Chi puking in bed which set the tone for our day of staying around the house and relaxing. After the puking incident, Chi perked up and was fine the rest of the day. The following pictures show the events that happen on a daily basis for the neighborhood kids, which include going to the market, playing in the creek, and witnessing the preparations of cow intestines for the local market. We also visited a local pool with brown water later in the day and stopped by a street vendor for grilled cow intestines. Eli continued eating because he thought it was ham. He was not thrilled when he later found out the truth.
Above: Beautiful vegetables and fruit available daily
Below: Cow intestines also available daily

Above: Playing in the creek with the neighborhood kids
Below: This boy sucked on a fish head for about 30 minutes. Our kids wanted to follow suit, but Geoff advised otherwise

Below: Lily got to ride to the other side and help feed the pigs and chickens

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